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  • in reply to: Sunday 19 Feb 2012 #24553
    Sweaty Eds

    The Narberth Dynamos Flat Earth Faction held it’s first Sunday ride this morning on the level between Tavernspite and the crossroads at the top of Tanners Lane, (drive up there, five times backwards and forwards then drive home). As there was only one member in attendance, my mind began to wander. As I gazed up at the Preseli hills I was surprised to discover how many letters in ‘Evil Sunday ride is 4 mountain goats’ are also in ‘Sadist Morgan is Dynamos devil’. 😈

    Just another of those spooky co-incidences?

    in reply to: Sunday 19 Feb 2012 #24552
    Sweaty Eds

    Second thoughts, might bring the car.

    in reply to: Sunday 19 Feb 2012 #24550
    Sweaty Eds

    Oh no! In all the excitment of the last few weeks I’d completely forgotten about the Height Undulating Widget Mark II. A schoolboy error….

    Will bring my walking shoes.

    in reply to: Sunday Ride 12 February 2012 #24544
    Sweaty Eds

    A bad start to the day for the Flat Earth Society, but, oh, did it ever get better.

    Myself and Celia left the group on top of the Ridgeway and headed downwards. I ignored Celia’s advice about the right turn and regretted it every mile of the busy Sageston to Tenby road that we had to plough along to get us back to our route home.

    Once we were on the quiet back roads again she told me her news. She revealed that she had been on the mythical North-West passage!!! Of course I’d heard the Legend of the North-West passage, the pancake flat route between Jeffreyston and the caravan site at the top of Reynalton hill, hell, there’s a whole chapter devoted to it in the Flat Earther’s bible ‘Top 100 Plateau’s’, but I thought it was an urban myth like Richard Gere and the hampsters or the rumour that a local award winning butcher was selling savoury faggot flavoured flapjacks. The precise details of the revelation were a bit patchy because every time the road pointed upward Celia sprinted away to claim the King of the Mountain points but I managed to glean that she had been taken on the route by another club member on the proviso that she was blindfolded and must never reveal its secrets. Regardless, we hatched a plan to avoid the dreaded Reynalton hill and rediscover the North-West passage.

    Well, she remembered that they had started in Jeffreyston and thought she would recognise the way when she saw it. You’d been surprised how many roads there are in Jeffreyston, I won’t bore you with details but will say that if I am ever involved in a seige situation in the Jeffreyston area I think I’ll find a way out.

    Downhearted we headed up the Reynalton hill, following a couple of tubby riders who sprinted away from us without a ‘Good Morning’ or anything. This really got Celia’s goat and I think when she overtook them she had both hands off the handle bars checking her make-up in a vanity mirror. She must’ve really knocked the fight out of them because I passed them both before the caravan site.

    All the Aces were waiting for us at the top of the hill. I noticed they’d borrowed the Magnetic Altitude Transmitting Gyrospectrometer for the week.


    King of the Mountains

    Celia Pantani-Cavendish 100pts

    Sweaty Eds 0pts


    CP-C 100pts

    Sweaty Eds 0pts

    Brownie Points

    Joint winners both home by 11.15am

    in reply to: Sunday Ride 5th Februry #24539
    Sweaty Eds

    Well, I’ve got to say, from a Flat Earthers perspective the ride was a roaring success.

    For the last couple of weeks I’ve been busy in my shed designing a device to warn of approaching hills, the Dynamo Altometer Vertical Elevation Escaper or DAVE E for short. I had linked it to a GPS and an old air raid siren that sounded whenever the rider approached a gradient steeper than 1 in 10. I had tried it on the turbo trainer a couple of times and it seemed to work, but I needed a volunteer to trial the prototype on a typical club run, Kim agreed to be the test pilot.

    The run through Princes Gate was uneventful, with the DAVE E remaining quiet and calm, but the ride from Ludchurch towards Colby and Amroth and the subsequent threat of out of the saddle climbing kicked the Dynamo Altometer Vertical Elevation Escaper into life. It started as a barely audible whine but increased in volume and pitch in line with the closing proximity of the hills. By the time the siren tester and I were forced to stop, my ears were ringing. It must’ve temporarily deafened the riders in the lead group as well because none of them heard our shouts to wait. An unexpected side effect was the immobilising of Kim’s front wheel. Luckily this proved to be only temporary and soon rectified itself when we were safely headed in the opposite direction towards the billiard table flat haven of the Cold Blow levels.

    This was my second prototype. The first, the Magnetic Altitude Transmitting Gyrospectrometer seemed to do the opposite of my intentions and actually seek the hills out…..

    in reply to: Sunday Ride 29th January 2012 #24534
    Sweaty Eds

    Sorry I missed the ride, I would have enjoyed the camaraderie, the banter, maybe even the hills. Doesn’t sound like I would’ve enjoyed the flapjack or the freezing rain much.

    Dr Hutch has written about riding throughout the British Winter in Cycling Weekly. Apparently, I am not a fair-weather cyclist, I am a keep-fit sunbather.

    in reply to: Sunday Ride 29th January 2012 #24530
    Sweaty Eds

    Hi Mat

    Sorry didn’t realise anyone took anything written on here seriously.

    Absolutely happy to continue following you up hills and for you to continue waiting for me at the top.

    Sorry for any confusion caused by my larking about.

    See you tomorrow.

    in reply to: Sunday Ride 29th January 2012 #24528
    Sweaty Eds

    Valleyman! What happened to the coalition and the debating society? I thought we’d agreed to discuss all important decisions in a mature and adult way. What happens as soon as our backs are turned? You’re cozying up to Maverick Matt with his talk of mountain top finishes, hairpins, rarified atmosphere and expansive views of the surrounding countryside. The Flat Earthers only hope is an alliance with the ever increasing membership of the Flapjack party. Surely saddlebags will now be de rigueur with all the extra weight that entails, and even Andrew will struggle to cart Janice’s rocks up Colby.

    Debating topic; Marmalade – a preserve or a chutney? 😯

    in reply to: Sunday Ride 22nd January 2012 #24519
    Sweaty Eds

    The first joint meeting of the Narberh Dynamos Cycling Club/Debating Society took place earlier today. Ian (Voice of Reason party) put forward a well argued and coherent motion proposing a nice gentle zone 2 ride around Pembroke. His seconder Kim, spoke well supporting him and those present, Richard (Flapjack party), Mark (United Nations Peacekeeper) and Sweaty Eds (Flat Earth Society) nodded in agreement. The meeting was surprised by the late proposal of the maverick Matt (The Only Way is Up party) who agreed whole-hearted with the motion and suggested improving it slightly by approaching Pembroke by the relatively unknown North Face of Amroath route. We set off but the debating continued at each junction and at the top of every hill. I thoroughly enjoyed the tooing and froing at each T junction, although I missed most of the discussions at the top of the hills because, invariably, I was still at the bottom. By the time I peeled off for home I think an fragile coalition had formed although I was unsure who had the Daddy Cam’s role.

    Upcoming topics for the debating society include the cases for and against euthanasia, troops out of Afganistan and women’s feet being smaller so they can get right up to the kitchen sink when washing up. I can’t wait.

    I will leave details of the ride to ValleyMan but I reckon if we had had paint on our tyres like that bloke used to on Vision On we would have marked an a pretty good likeness of the late, great Marc Bolan’s afrolike hair. I love to boogie…. 🙄

    in reply to: Carten 100 2012 #24517
    Sweaty Eds

    Butcherboy. I’d like to stay. Won’t be bringing my lot with me, would fill most of the hotel if I did.

    in reply to: Carten 100 2012 #24514
    Sweaty Eds

    I too am interested in the prologue. Every peloton needs a lanterne rouge. Perhaps Roger will catch me up if he sets off after his morning surgery then I can pace him back to the main pack.

    in reply to: The Wales Sportive #24278
    Sweaty Eds

    ValleyMan, I have read through your account of the Wales Sportive several times and can find no mention of the fee you surely received from Cycling Weekly for posing in their latest issue. In the photo on page 77 you are handily placed in second about to overtake one of the Aces. Now that really has put the Dynamos firmly in the map. 😆

    in reply to: Tour of Pembrokeshire #24216
    Sweaty Eds

    Best of luck to everyone in the club riding on Sunday. I can’t join you I’m afraid, I’m having an op on my nose on Monday and the surgeon doesn’t think slogging around Pembrokeshire in the pouring rain will be ideal preparation. He does assure me, however, that I will be able to breathe through my nose afterwards which will surely help my cycling. Now, if only I can persuade him to do some liposuction on my belly and dampen down my sweat glands and maybe if he could clone Andrew Rees’s legs and graft them on….

    in reply to: Wattbike Training Session with Nick Brown #24167
    Sweaty Eds

    Mate, you’re looking at this all the wrong way. You need to see it more as a bonding exercise. Also, you can count yourself lucky you didn’t follow directly after me…. Sweaty Eds.

    in reply to: Sunday May 15th Ride #24159
    Sweaty Eds

    Well, follow that…

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