Not sure if I can make it this year as my son should be receiving an award in college on the 15th – can I let you know closer to the date? Si
I’m in – Calamari, Gourmet Burger (HOT!)
Cheers Simon
Happy to be a sweeper – just let me know in advance. Cheers
Great cycle. Happy New Year.
See you tomorrow at 10am. i will be wearing RAPHA!!!
Great night – good company – Merry Christmas!
Hi all, Too icy for me today – Hitting the turbo in my kitchen. Sorry. If you go out stay safe.
Hi all – unable to make a 9.30 start – I plan to leave bloomfield at 10.30am – Laugharne coastal route S.foot coffee and cake – home. All welcome.
As I am unable to join the club ride on Sunday I suggested a ride on Sat star starting at 10.30 from Bloomfield – over the Preselies to Newport, coffee and cake and then back home to watch the rugby.For me it will be my first proper ride since August so I will be going steady at best!
Dear Captain Christmas – please find my selection for Crimbo Party
Prawn Salad, Turkey with all the trimmings, Pear tart – Simon
Goat Cheese tart, Turkey, Pear Tart – Mrs T.
Will be at the start but will be wimping out between 30 and 40 miles.
I can get a minibus but I am limited for dates.
I’m in for 2. when do you need the deposit?
Hope to start and then whimp out at about 50 miles
Great event for 2017 – I’m entering again – it would be great to see a few others join me on the start line.