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The Tour of Pembrokeshire has been confirmed and has a entry price structured around early booking.
It’s £20 to book for the next few day rising to £25 then £30 as we get closer the event and £40 on the day entry. 100% of fees going to charity.
Saturday 27th April 2013
I’ve just entered the 75mile course even though it was the toughest event I rode last year. Also thinking of upgrading to 100mile on the day.
First time I’ve listed Narberth Dynamos as my club, perhaps I’ll lose my “Andrew Ajax” reference in post club rides?!
Mr and Mrs ValleyMan signed up for the 100 mile route. 🙄
I have also just signed up for the 100 mile route. Just need to decide whether to take both panniers or not on the Dawes Galaxy!
I was thinking of a tent, it could be a very long day…..
I’m on board but, I may regret it 😯 still at least I have saved a tenner.
Entries nearing 1000 & possibly will shut entry then. So I have entered
OK all done. I am participant number 963! I also have signed up for the 100 miles route.
Entries limited to 1100. Down for the 80m, but might top up to the 100 on the day, assuming that I can actually get any time on my bike.
Here is the route
Hello all,
ToP have today mailed out the registration and start times for Saturday 27th. As follows…
100 Mile Route 75 Mile Route 50 Mile Route
Friday 26th Registration 16:00 – 20:00 pm 16:00 – 20:00 pm 16:00 – 20:00 pm
Saturday 27th Registration 06:15 – 07:55 am 07:45 – 08:55 am 08:45 – 09:55 am
Saturday 27th Start Times 07:00 – 08:00 am 08:00 – 09:00 am 09:00 – 10:00 am
They are suggesting that we register on Friday between 4 and 8 PM. I’m going to go anyway since I’m fairly close. Would anyone like me to pick up their Rider pack and register for them? I could then either hand over the pack on the Saturday morning or you can pick up from me at home.
Also start time for the 100 is from 7-8. What time do people want to leave? should we let the chaos clear first then aim for 7.15?
Could please pick it for me
I vote for starting as late as possible
Matt, no problem, let me know your full name, SIEntries number and mobile.
108 miles is a long way so I vote for as early a start as possible.
Does anyone have room for a bike & person. Dri
ving up & back
I need your SI entries number if you still want me to pick up your racepack?