Home Forums Sunday Rides Sunday Ride 13th Jan 2013

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    Whoops Ian! …last gag backfired a tiny bit


    Just a bit too much of an in joke!


    My excuse got up in time to ride –

    no hole in hand

    man flu

    sick kids

    … just fair weathered scaredy cat – too icey for me

    By 1030 I plucked up the courage to go out for a ride – 55 mile loop around fresh west. Saw a load of cyclists at various times – recognised Nick Brown – only because of his voice. Sorry Ian didn’t realise rode past you (going opposite direction) would have ridden with you if I realised.

    Actual ride was excellent – first time in living memory there wasn’t a head wind at castle martin :D


    Thanks everyone for the ride on Sunday and for looking after me. Really enjoyed the ride. I have done most of my training on my own so it’s really nice to get out with good company once in a while. I have a new years resolution as a result of the ride and that’s to beat Roger up the hills!!


    Phew! Most people would rather just beat me up


    Not being blessed with a medical background (I went out of my way to avoid biology at school) I am going to need some help to come up with the female equivalent of ‘willy-waving’ for future posts.

    Can anyone help me please?

    PS Roger, just verbally….


    Tricky……lets hope the oestrogen keeps them in check..


    How rude!

    Love The Rain, Live Your Dream


    Yes..I apologise unreservedly…but just to help Ian and myself out,when you beat me up the hills -and that’s only a matter of time with the amount of training you’re doing and the way you are progressing – what do you intend to wave?


    Obviously, as a woman I do not feel the need to wave anything, however remembering your horror at the mere mention of my shepee maybe I could wave that!

    Love The Rain, Live Your Dream



    Love The Rain, Live Your Dream


    I can’t remember ..shepee…was is/was that?…I’m presuming its not an anatomical term?

    Sweaty Eds

    Didn’t John Noakes have a dog called Shepee? Quite badly behaved if I remember rightly. Kudos to you Celia if you can beat Roger up a climb carrying an unruly Border Collie under your arm. Or are you using dogs husky-style to pull you around? Perhaps I could borrow one tomorrow if the forecast snow arrives.

    Keeping with an animal theme, has anyone else noticed how there are no horses in any of the fields in the Greater Ludchurch area. Always struck me as strange. Anyway, good to see that a local award winning butcher has got those secret recipe French burgers back in stock, my kids love ’em.


    I am reliably informed that it is a device designed to narrow the gender gap. My first thought on being given this rather cryptic clue that it must be a dishwasher was apparently completely wide of the mark and in hindsight would clearly be somewhat more unwieldy than a badly behaved dog.

    PS if you are staying up to listen to Oprah, here is a fun game to play http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/interactive/2013/jan/17/lance-armstrong-oprah-interview-bingo


    If I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to change the subject (Ian, and Dave) http://www.shepee.co.uk. It was one of the first rides I did with the club, (almost bonked and surprised Roger by almost keeping up with everybody up fresh east hill)

    At a stoppage point all the males went for a pee. Roger helpfully commented that it was one of the great things about being a man 😯 I suggested I bring my shepee on future rides and heard some mumbled words that made me think it was time to change the subject!

    You can now….. 😉

    Whats the weather like Sunday??

    Love The Rain, Live Your Dream

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