Its coming up to the end of the yet another season and as tradition dictates we are due for our end of season dinner. We’re looking at dates towards the end of October beginning of November 2013. Can you please post here if you intend to come to this years dinner, we’ll need to know approximate numbers before we can confirm date and venue as our usual venue is restricted on numbers and i’m conscious that with our ever swelling membership we may be too large a group for Martin James.
Many thanks
Andrew & Janice
Ian & Kim
Matt & Kerrie
Ants & Jane
Mike & Rhian
Andrew Wright + 1
Pete Jones + 1
Sweaty + 1
Stoneditch + 1
Chris & Kirsty
Roger & Vicky
Flapjack + 1
MatG + 2
Morganite + 1
Celia & Patrick
Mark & Wayne James
Dai & Jen
Oilslick + 1