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  • #23728

    Just wandering when we’re hitting the real world mid-week?

    Looking at the chairmans arse week after week from the back of the sports hall was doing my swede in so I’ve been night time mountain biking over the last week weeks instead of turbo training. It’s been awesome fun and fairly eventful (close calls with badgers, getting lost and being chased by 50 bullocks through a field…).

    More here… http://www.thewayoutwest.co.uk/


    Do I have to post in rhyming verse akin to sweaty to get an answer on here these days?

    Outdoors mid-week? Any start date? :?:



    In response to your kind enquiry:

    1) No, but it helps

    2) Tuesday 2 April and Thursday 4 April, 6pm from Bloomfield. Anouncements all over the website (apart from the forum :oops:) Huw will be posting some routes shortly…

    Meeting in the Ivy Bush tonight from 6 if you are about.


    Thanks Valleyman.

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