Home Forums Social Events Friday 4th October

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  • #26390
    Sweaty Eds

    I think its about time we have another social putting the World to rights come club meeting, what about this Friday at 6pm in The Ivy.

    We’ve lots to talk about, the Dynamos Dinner and Dance, the upcoming Centenary Celebrations, Club Kit and just what are we going to do about Roger?

    Any thoughts?


    What indeed…

    See you on Friday.


    Should I come then?..perhaps we could chat about various other things before considering my black balling or whatever else you have in mind..


    It will be good to catch up again. Wasn’t these club socials supposed to be on the last Friday in the month? Why couldn’t we have met up last Friday sweaty? Rumour has it one of our members was having a cut, blow dry and highlights. And he doesn’t want to wear his helmet for fear of spoiling his new style!

    Dinner and dance? Are we having a dance?  Oh goody.

    Roger? Who’s he? Was he one of the original members all those years ago? I did read in our history about a founder member – a very rare species- the lesser spotted physician. This shy creature is not often seen in the UK as it spends much of its summer in warmer climes such as Italy,Portugal and Mustique! When in the UK, it tends to frequent the roads of Pembrokeshire and if you’re lucky, you may see the back of it tearing up a hill trying to lose his predators! Could this be Roger?


    I’ll have you know that I’ve been out on the last two Sunday club rides..but none of the contributors thus far to this particular thread would know that because,of course ,they appear to be on the verge of extinction themselves!…by the way..young Tom is becoming an increasingly potent predator..watch out for him next year..well done  Tom.. and now you’re acquainted with Freshwater East…

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