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  • #25020

    To confirm 3 for me


    Please reserve me two places. Thanks


    Can you please put us down for two places.



    Can you please put us down for two places.

    Matt Johns

    Hi all

    We now have 27 names down for the dinner, but so far only 8 have paid the £10 per head deposit. Can you please get the deposits in to me asap so that we can get a more accurate idea of numbers, remember the only way to guarantee your place is to pay your deposit.

    We will more than likely be opening up the invitation to some of our friends from neighbouring clubs, so get your money in asap as it will be first come first served!


    Matt could you please put me down for another two – so now there 5! I know it is hard to believe I got other people who would want to go!

    Is there any room left?

    Can you please email your address or bank details (if you now trust telephone banking)

    Sweaty Eds

    Hi Matt

    Babysitter double booking incident.

    Only one place for me now please.


    Matt, put Jon down for a strong probable. Will get deposit off him next week.

    Matt Johns

    Ok Guys

    Less than two weeks until this years end of season dinner we have just over 30 names down but so far only 21 deposits have been paid, could i please have deposits from the following memebers asap to confirm their places, so we can confirm numbers with the venue.




    Legal Eagle


    Hi Matt

    I will definitely be there. I would give you the deposit if I knew who you were! I will try to remember to give it to Kim at training on Tuesday

    Matt Johns

    Few quick details about Saturdays Dinner, unfortunately Martin doesn’t have the facility to accept credit cards so its cash or cheque only please. If everyone can arrive for 19:30 for an 20:00 start that would be great.

    One last thing does anyone have any dietary requirements? I only know about our two Veggies Ian & Kim so far. Please let me know asap!!


    1 more veggie please

    ie out my group of 5 there is 1 veggie


    I’d just like to thank all those who were involved with the annual dinner which,once again,was very successful and enjoyable evening..even sitting bewteen two non cyclists moaning about the repetative themes of the conversation!


    I’ve just taken possession of the ‘Brass Neck’ award. I am obviously touched but this, but can someone explain to me what it means?

    Sweaty Eds

    Oooo I really like this game.

    Brass Neck

    Is it

    a. Brass Neck – a disease in sheep. From an old farming dialect, Ooh Aahh Brrrass Neck, a mysterious condition in which your randy ram gets so excited that his whole body becomes rigid hence, Brass Neck.

    b. Brass Neck – a chemical element. One of transitional metals in the halogen family in the periodic table.

    c. Brass Neck – someone who shows brass neck has no shame in what they have done. An example would be to wear a Narberth Dynamos shirt on, say, the Pembrokeshire Bike ride and not actually be a member. This could be compounded by complaining about other non-members wearing said Dynamo shirt.

    d. Brass Neck – a severe form of the cyclists favourite, Brass Monkeys.

    So there you have it.

    a disease in sheep

    a chemical element

    extreme confidence in self

    a very cold cyclist

    Over to you, Slinky

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