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  • #28465

    With a view to attracting a wider participation to this Winter’s ‘Turbo’ we have will be running a Cyclefit session every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm at Bloomfield starting on 13 October. The sessions will be run by Jon Mills.

    Cyclefit has been a big hit in Tenby with both gym bunnies and hardened Ironmen and Jon’s classes are always over subscribed.

    To get an idea of what we will be letting ourselves in for, Mr and Mrs ValleyMan signed up for a Thursday evening class last week. Whilst we will not be able to fully recreate the full disco inferno effect at Bloomfield (unless anyone can lend us some glitter balls, strobes and pulsing lasers…) we will be using a pulsating soundtrack to set cadence and will have to learn a whole new vocabulary including the utter torture that is ‘hovering’. Soundtracks each week will be drawn from various decades and genres (we may even be able to make requests…)

    More details can be found on the Cyclefit Facebook Cyclefit Facebook Page and a video of a session can be seen Cyclefit Video.


    Sounds interesting, but what happened to Rhys, his sessions were great!!


    Sounds interesting – will we be using statics or turbos?
    No more Nick and Rhys? Enjoyed their sessions.


    I,ll giving a go. Will it be a structures session or simply pounding on the bike for an hour?

    Narberth Dynamos

    I have set up a new page on the website for the Cyclefit sessions and Jon will be sending me some further details about what to expect.

    It would be appreciated if you could spread the word and thanks to Leighton we have prepared a poster that will be distributed around Narberth. If you can display a poster at work or in your window a copy can be downloaded here.

    Many thanks



    I have now added an article to the Cyclefit page that Jon has written comparing his classes with a typical ‘Turbo’ session (he has done both!).

    Hopefully this will answer any question you may have. Jon has adapted the classes he runs on Spin bikes to work with Turbos so you can still spend all evening staring at your Garmin (other brand of bike computer are available) if you want.

    See you all on 13th.

    Pete Jones

    I was intending to go this week, but some relatives have decided to visit us on Tuesday! 🙁
    Away week 2, but hopefully with you week 3.
    Have fun.


    Lots of new faces tonight which was good but precious few Dynamos. If you were worried it would be all too easy think again it was hard work; you only had to look at the ocean of sweat surrounding the Chairman. Hope to see a few more of you next week.


    Great first session last night and everyone did really well. Not a structured session as such but it gave me an idea of where you all are and showed you the kind of things we will be doing over the following weeks. As there are two types of turbo trainer used it also gave me something to go on regarding hill climbs and fast cadence resistance.

    As long as you feel like you are climbing a hill you are doing it right. As the weeks go on you will find you will be in a harder gear/resistance than you are now as your legs get stronger and your aerobic fitness improves.
    Next Tuesdays session will be a HILL PYRAMID. Not as hard as it sounds. Just use a gear that feels like a climb but you can keep for the duration of the climb. The session has effort/recovery intervals throughout. After a couple of weeks it will all just click and fall into place.

    Thanks for the warm welcome last night and see you all next week.


    It will be structured and only as hard as you want to make it as we obviously have mixed abilities attending the sessions.

    Narberth Dynamos

    Great Hill Pyramid session last night in the Bloomfield Greenhouse and a big difference from last week. Everyone kept their legs going to the beat on the climbs and pushed on the two sprints at the end. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I didn’t!! Only joking. Really enjoyed it and looking forward to the next session.

    Next week, some steady cadence, increasing speed and resistance, starting and finishing with short climbs.



    Last Cyclefit before Xmas is next Tueday (22nd). Jon has promised a festive session with seasonal music and DVD and no doubt we will all end up as red as Rudolf’s nose….


    Can`t believe it. This Tuesday sees the last turbo session of the winter. Hurrah I hear you cry!
    Thank you all for supporting us. I think in between the sweat and aching legs you have all enjoyed it. It has been a great success this year with a fantastic atmosphere in the room. It has been lovely to see so many new faces and I really hope that we can encourage you all to come out with us on our week day rides (which will start Tuesday 29th March).
    I must say on behalf of the club a big thank you to Jon for giving his time to take the sessions. Apart from some of his music tastes he has been brilliant.
    So try and make every effort to turn up for the last session and you never know, there might be a little treat at the end for you all!!

    Pete Jones

    Andrew. Hope the party went well. Thanks for the cakes. They were excellent. 🙂

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