Narberth Dynamos have worked hard to comply with the recommendations of Welsh Cycling in relation to COVID-19. From the 25th of July 2020:
· Each Club ride will have a nominated COVID Officer who has completed the training provided by the WSA.
· A COVID and activity Risk Assessment is in place for our club group rides.
· All participants of club rides will need to be members of Narberth Dynamos to aid the NHS Wales ‘Trace, Test and Protect’ program.
· Rides will be limited to a maximum group size of 30.
· All riders must maintain a 2m social distance apart at all times.
· If club members are shielding or have any other health concerns we recommend you do not participate in activities at present.
· Anyone who has or thinks they may have symptoms of COVID-19 is asked not to attend any activities and follow the most up to date advice from Public Health Wales at