Home Forums Weekday Rides As wet as an otters pocket – lets offroad! Re: As wet as an otters pocket – lets offroad!

Sweaty Eds

It was a great day.

It was a real eye opener with regard to the little differences between mountain bikers and proper cyclists. Of course there was the lycra thing and the lack of pointing out of obstacles but the main difference was the terminology. It may have been of benefit for me to have studied my mountain bike slang dictionary a little more thoroughly before we set off. For instance the term ‘One last little climb and it’s all downhill from there’ actually means the polar opposite and ‘Spongey’ as in ‘The back brake on the bike I’m loaning you is a little spongey’ actually means ‘The back brake on the bike I’m loaning you will lull you into a false sense of security by working normally for ten minutes or so, before, at the top of the black run downhill section, ceasing having any slowing effect whatsoever.’

Thanks to our two mentors for their technical advice, encouragement and patience.