Home Forums Upcoming Events Merlin sportive Re: Merlin sportive


Well well well!…indeed,a tale of unfortunate events.

I delighted to hear of your recovery Ian…mine from a weekend of drinking is taking longer.

I am also delighted to be thanked for having waited for you..even if I was actually by The Thames at the time ..thinking about it, with Andrew’s record with regards to navigation..I shouldn’t have been surprised if you suddenly appeared in a state of confusion on the river bank.

Of course,most would have easily spotted your error… as a major precedent would have to be set if I was found to be actually waiting.

With regards to your poor health on the ride…it could be related to all manner of factors…getting up too early,lack of fluids/carbs,just an off day etc but most likely it was related to cycling in close proximity to Andrew…as it frequently happens to me ..I think he throws off negative pheromones….these have also been known to cause punctures to other peoples tyres as Huw can bear testament to as well as myself ( I was lucky on the Tour of Pembrokeshire as the rain negated their malignant influence ]….so I hope that clears up all your queries…..of course there are implications for the club…not least that we demand that Andrew showers thoroughly before a ride…that may not be enough….