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Sweaty Eds

Oooo I really like this game.

Brass Neck

Is it

a. Brass Neck – a disease in sheep. From an old farming dialect, Ooh Aahh Brrrass Neck, a mysterious condition in which your randy ram gets so excited that his whole body becomes rigid hence, Brass Neck.

b. Brass Neck – a chemical element. One of transitional metals in the halogen family in the periodic table.

c. Brass Neck – someone who shows brass neck has no shame in what they have done. An example would be to wear a Narberth Dynamos shirt on, say, the Pembrokeshire Bike ride and not actually be a member. This could be compounded by complaining about other non-members wearing said Dynamo shirt.

d. Brass Neck – a severe form of the cyclists favourite, Brass Monkeys.

So there you have it.

a disease in sheep

a chemical element

extreme confidence in self

a very cold cyclist

Over to you, Slinky