Membership now due

Club membership for 2016/2017 is now due. At the AGM on 17 June it was agreed that the cost of membership should be kept at £15.00. Please could you renew your Membership via the British Cycling Federation (BCF) website at (They charge £1.00 administration fee so the Club receives £14.00)

We must ask that if you cycle with the Club regularly you become a member. As a guest you are welcome to come on one of our rides twice but after this you must join to be covered by our insurance. Non-members cycling with the Club can also risk invalidating our insurance.

In previous years we have left it to individuals who benefit from the rides we organise to join the Club of their own volition, however, it clear that this last year this has not happened and we are therefore regrettably going to have to police membership. Members will therefore be issued with a tag to fix to their bikes as proof of membership. Going forward if you are not a member we are going to have to ask you not to ride with the Club. We hope you understand our position.

In addition to covering the cost of our insurance and affiliation to the BCF, your membership fee enables us to organise the Winter Turbo Sessions, purchase Turbo Trainers, purchase bike boxes for hire to members and subsidise the Newport Track sessions.