Home Forums Sunday Rides Sunday Ride 27th Jan 2013 Re: Sunday Ride 27th Jan 2013


Really enjoyed the ride today, which was tightly packed with some challenging hills (Marros, Amroth, Wisemans, Sandy Hill and out of Reynalton). Shame many of the starters didn’t finish, with only the Slinkster and Huw completing the full route 😉

Nice to be back on a road bike and I’m sure nice for all you to see the Slinkster back in the Dynamos top, advertising the club with such style and panache around the south of the county. Shirt sales are sure to be up this week. However, sales of the Wilier bikes will be down after a nasty chain-off moment on Marros hill.

Not wanting to be one to tell tales, we’ll mention nothing of the coffee stop to the Chairmen, though if his current frequency of no-shows persists he’ll soon be outed, then can expect many more coffee stops over the summer and a sudden spike in the price of mince.

I clocked 139 miles, average cadence of 224 and the need to buy a bike computer than doesn’t go mental after a few drops of rain.