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Welcome to Pembrokeshire, the Venice of West Wales.
The Mayans claimed the world would end on 12 December 2012, it didn’t
It was feared the world would come to a grinding halt on 1 January 2000, it didn’t
I predicted it would clear up this morning, it didn’t
I am clearly no modern day Nostradamus and my weather forecasting abilities are up there with Michael Fish.
For once (and probably only once) Mr and Mrs ValleyMan were early, a whole five minutes early. The car park was a desolate wasteland devoid of any signs of life. At 9.02 we were umm-ing and ah-ing when Dicon rolled in anticipating a club ride. As he had slogged his way over from Whitland, any plans we might have had to sneak off home were immediately holed beneath the waterline.
With no Huw to drag us off up north, we headed south sort of making it up as we went (sound familiar?). The rain whilst not torrential was persistent, and the sealskin gloves and overshoes soon gave up the ghost.
The conceptualised route which vaguely envisaged us ending up in Amroth after a tour of the familiar roads on the way to Carew was cut short at Redberth as we decided we had had enough. A meagre 27 miles were covered but better than ignoring the alarm, turning over and going back to sleep (perhaps not…)
Well that’s it for this week other than to hope our Chairman’s trip to Romania to check on the provenance of his locally sourced beef will have set his mind at rest. Never believe everything you read on Facebook.
PS Sorry Andrew, at least you got to spend some quality time with your paint brush. And yes we did notice it was raining.