Home Forums Sunday Rides Sunday 6th Jan 2013 Re: Sunday 6th Jan 2013


We were going to be on time, if not early; start the New Year off as we meant to carry on. However, last night I changed the rear tire as a precaution (it had been getting a bit soft over a period of a few days) only to find it flat as a pancake (well not one of mine as they are always fluffy). The float in the critical path programme to get to Bloomfield before 0900 was used up changing the tire and tube; then the chain came off on Valley Road.

I rode up the High Street with 9 chimes from the clock tower ringing in my ears. Late again.

To add to the misery, there was a record attendance at Bloomfield to take the piss out of Mr and Mrs ValleyMan. Out to address the festive abuse of their finely honed bodies were Butcherboy, Roger, Flapjack, Nigel Bev, Anthony, Jonathon, Pete (back for a second time), Celia, Huw, Gary (dressed against the elements in his shorts), Graham, Nick G and Mat.

Notable absence was ‘Poet in Residence’, Brother Sweaty. This was either because there was no clearly defined coffee stop, or he was seeking to avoid his penance for transgressing the rules of the Order.

No sign either of Dan, who I understand had tried to fit a cog to suit his peddling style and proposed route. Unfortunately, the diameter required proved to be greater than that of his rear wheel.

Off we set north on a route we apparently did about the same time last year, picking up Leighton in Llanddisilio. I don’t recall this ride either because I was not there, or have simply blanked it out. It did seem a bit brutal for the time of year, but the mild weather and promise of a dry morning would perhaps mitigate in part the unfolding ordeal.

Whilst most of us have been reading exposes of doping in cycling over the festive break (apart that is of course for ‘get a proper job’ ButcherBoy who was too busy with work), Graham on the other hand must have been down to the pharmacy as he was on one from the start disappearing into the gloom not to be seen again…

I had a very interesting discussion with the Club Doc about weight loss strategies and helpful viruses that could be employed. Norovirus was generally agreed to be the most effective as it was rarely fatal, relatively short lived and made maximum use of potential orifices for shedding weight. Doc did caution against HIV.

Notwithstanding Graham’s antics, we did maintain the semblance of a Club Ride generally keeping at least in sight of each other until the foot of the mighty Bwlch y Gwynt when it was every man (and women) for themselves. Roger, who had been complaining to all who would listen about his tired legs shot off the front with Nick G. Huw and I kept each other company on the climb although the communication was non-verbal; a sure sign that we were above the threshold and later confirmed by inspection of my Garmin data.

There was strangely no sign of the ’newly opened’ Café at the top of the Bwlch that Butcherboy promised we would stop at so we had a brief regroup halfway down out of the howling gale. I was just enjoying a well earned bar when everyone decided it was time to leave. By the time I had finished the bar and tried to get my sweat-soaked gloves back on I was on my own. Having generously waited for me just after the turn for Maenclochog, off we went again until surprise surprise my chain came off. By the time it was reunited with my front cog it was just me and the tumbleweed.

Thankfully, Kim and Jonathon waited down the road and helped drag my weary legs back to Bethesda where a somewhat smaller group awaited us. Apparently Anthony, Nigel Bev, Leighton, Gary and Huw had peeled off home.

Kim and I were determined to have a coffee and suggested the Bethesda Farm shop. It’s fair to say this was not met with a great deal of enthusiasm (see you on Tuesday being the general response)and so we were on our own. It was shut, however, undeterred we stopped off in Narberth for a well deserved Latte and cake.

A gruelling start to the New Year and highlighted my need to improve my endurance, strength, (general and core), peddling technique and cadence. Other than that, ready for the season ahead!


There is an as yet unsubstantiated rumour that someone rode away from ButcherBoy up the Bwlch today. If anyone witnessed this rare event and can put a name to the offender, please post it up here.