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Forgive me Abbot for I have sinned.
It has been two days since my last ride, but when I woke up this morning I thought I could sneak a quick one under the cover of the mist. Unfortunately, I didn’t factor in the weekly tithe collection by Mother Superior and Our Most Reverend Father Rees.
Hear my prayer
Our Strava, which art on the internet,
Dynamos be thy name.
To Narberth we will come,
Cycling will be done, in Turbo,
As it is on Club Runs.
Give us this day our daily ride,
And forgive us our wheel-sucking,
As we forgive them that wheel-suck against us.
And lead us not into Tenby,
But deliver us from the Aces.
For high cadence and le souplesse
keep our legs spinning in circles
for ever and ever