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Too late for a refund feel free to pretend to be me anyone

A participant may withdraw, free of charge up to two weeks after payment of the event fee. After the expiry of this two week period, the entry fee will not be refunded in full. Participants withdrawing two months before the event (pre April 14th) will receive a 50% refund. Participants withdrawing one month before (15th April – 14th May) will receive a 25% refund. No refund will be given to participants withdrawing less than one month before the event (15th May or later). Notice of withdrawal from the event must be communicated by emailing helpdesk@lagardere-unlimited.com stating clearly the desire to withdraw and putting the word WITHDRAWAL in subject line of the email. Withdrawals will not be accepted by telephone.

Based on date – Clover you are not entitled to refund either 🙁