Home Forums Forum Support How to upload an avatar

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  • #21433
    Narberth Dynamos

    Go to http://www.gravatar.com and create an account. The gravatar (= Globally Recognized avatar) you upload will be linked to a certain email adress of your choice.

    Each site that supports gravatar (which is a lot) will use this gravatar when you use that same email adress.

    1) Sign up at gravatar.com

    2) Upload avatar at gravatar.com

    3) Use the same email at gravatar.com as on this site.

    4) Your gravatar will show up on this forum, narberthdynamos.co.uk website and many other websites.

    Narberth Dynamos


    Thanks, All looks good!


    Only final thing, is it possible to have the post text box show as it will be displayed rather than with the HTML tags as most people will not understand them.


    Well that seems to work! :mrgreen:

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